Here is 1 nearby outdoor nature adventure, 1 very useful handstand tip and 1 great place to eat
A couple of weekends ago I was hankering for a dose of the green stuff.. no not that! Tree's and nature! So I jumped in my old light green station wagon, affectionately named "the pistachio" with my partner Viv and we headed out to "Mt lofty".
The name turned out to be rather ironic. The elevation was akin more to mound than mountain. However the surrounds were pretty beautiful, which included a large river. We noted kayakers fondling paddling downstream but were not sure of its suitability for swimming.
The main highlight turned out to be the abundant wildlife! The tally visually tagged was impressive : 1 kangaroo, 1 blue tongue lizard, Countless skinks, 4 black cockatoo's, 1 kookaburra and all Manner of butterflies, beetle's and other interesting insects. For an easy 1 hour drive from melbourne and 2 hour return loop hike I would give it a thumbs up. Here's some visual evidence :
It is me! Lol.
Cute lil fella =)
One of the best tips for handstand training is to remember that it's not all about intensity, but rather consistency. It's more important to practice consistently, even if it's only for 20-30minutes here and there, than to try to cram a lot of intense training into one huge session once per week.
Spreading out your practice over the course of the week – even if it's just 30 minutes each day – can help you build up strength, increase your control, and master the skill much faster in the long run.
Plus, doing shorter sessions more frequently helps ensure that you don't wear yourself out or risk injury from pushing too hard in one go. Of course If you are more advanced ( or want to be) you will slowly build up to sessions that are both frequent and quite long in duration, but this takes time and a methodical approach.
The msg here is to never stop for weeks at a time (unless injured or sick) You ALWAYS have time for 15 mins. This is soooo much better than nothing.
For the Melbourne seafood lovers, one of my personal favourite restaurants is "Claypots" in St Kilda. Everything is freshly caught and on display at the front of the kitchen. Because of this the menu is different every time you attend, but always amazing.
One night a week they have a band playing live music in their adjacent bar. One winter as I sipped Mulled wine with a friend we were witness to some seriously amazing fiddle playing, the dude was a virtuoso.
Just an overall winning combo of atmosphere, super good service and wonderful food. Not pretentious at all but not shabby either. Very reasonably priced for what it is.
Happy handstand training, eating and trekking,