Handstands and hanging

What has this got to do with handstands?


Opposites work together.

When we push we must also pull and when we compress we want to also decompress.

In order of appearance :

-Feet supported active hang

On a low bar with your feet on the ground or by using a stable box or bench to stand on, grab the bar with an overhand grip.

With straight elbows pull yourself up towards the bar. Your shoulder blades should move downwards but dont try to protract or retract.

Use the feet to add or subtract as much weight as needed.

Bench mark 30-60s with light support in one unbroken set.

-Unsupported active hang

Same as above but without placing the feet on a support structure.

Benchmark 30-60s in one unbroken set.

The active hang is great for shoulder strength and an important prerequisite for pullups or chinups! A great opposing pulling movement to handstands.

-Feet supported passive hang *Only once you have achieved the full active hang benchmark.

On a low bar with your feet on the ground or by using a stable box or bench to stand on, grab the bar with an overhand grip.

With straight elbows pull yourself up towards the bar.

Now slowly and with plenty of support from the surface your feet are resting on. Relax the upwards pull and let your body hang towards the ground. Your shoulders and scapula should move upwards towards your ears.

Benchmark 30-60s with light support (eventually)

-Unsupported passive hang

Same as above but without placing the feet on a support structure.

Benchmark 30-60s in one unbroken set.

The passive hang is great for decompression of the wrists, elbows and spine.

No pain should be felt, especially in the passive hang. If you have a current shoulder injury I would see a physio and get the all clear before doing this.

How can you incorporate this into your practice?

I like total accumulated time.

Throughout the day or a training session accumulate a set amount of time in as many sets as is needed to reach it.

For example you could start with 3 minutes. A good goal is to build up to 5-7 minutes.. Gradually.

Happy hanging

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